Decoding Case Studies
Budget Dilemma: Housing or Energy Scurity | UPSC Ethics Case Study | K M Pathi
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Decoding Case Studies
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In this video, we delve into a case study from previous years' UPSC Ethics papers, focusing on Rajesh Kumar, a senior public servant in the Finance Ministry, who faces a complex ethical dilemma. The case discusses the potential re-appropriation of funds from the National Housing Scheme (NHS), aimed at providing housing to vulnerable sections of society, to fund two critical developmental projects—a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and a natural gas processing plant. Our case analysis covers:
Key Ethical Issues: Justice, fairness, political integrity, and public trust.
Rajesh Kumar’s Options: Exploring alternative funding, partial re-appropriation, and advocating for transparency.
This case highlights the delicate balance civil servants must maintain between political pressure, financial constraints, and ethical governance—an essential discussion for UPSC aspirants preparing for Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude (GS Paper IV).