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Issues of Common Good

Development ethics 1

Land needed for mining, dams and other large-scale projects is acquired mostly from Adivasis, hill dwellers and rural communities. The displaced persons are paid monetary compensation as per the legal provisions. However, the payment is often tardy. In any case, hit cannot sustain the displaced families for long. These people do not possess marketable skills to engage in some other accusation. They end up as low paid migrant laborers. Moreover, their development go to industries, industrialists and urban communities whereas the costs are passed on to these poor helpless people. This unjust distribution of costs and benefits is unethical.
Suppose you have been entrusted with the task of drafting a better compensation-cum-rehabilitation policy for such displaced persons, how would you approach the problem and what would be the main elements of your suggested policy? .

Aptitude & Foundational Values

Meaning of Aptitude

Dedication to Public Service

Impartiality and Non-partisanship

Blog Mentoring
Young Minds

Meaning of Aptitude

Dedication to Public Service

Impartiality and Non-partisanship

Blog Mentoring
Young Minds



Insights with KM

Compassion is derived from the Latin "compati," which means 'to suffer with." In academic literature, there is a broad consensus that compassion involves an awareness of the other person's suffering and the consequent motivation to help or provide succour to the suffering individual. In his book Human Emotions, Lazarus defines compassion as "being moved by another's suffering and wanting to help." Similarly, Gilbert, in his book The Compassionate Mind: A new approach to life's challenges, interpreted compassion as a "deep awareness" of others' suffering combined with a desire to help. Most definitions of compassion focus on being touched by the other's suffering and the motivation to help. From an Indian perspective, compassion, known as karuna, is integral to the Buddhist value system and philosophy. Compassion or karuna is considered a "spiritual awareness" of others suffering. Dalai Lama defines compassion as an "openness to the suffering of others with a commitment to relive it."

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